Have Literal Pain in the Neck? Here Are Top 3 Tips to Get You Moving

A lot of the times, neck pain is a result of misaligned shoulders, spine, and hips, as well as a head that lacks movement and is stuck in a forward position. Additionally, it’s caused by poor posture and degenerative shifts to the cervical spine.  When these things occur, the upper back, shoulders, and neck muscles tense up, which will give you, no pun intended, a pain in the neck, not to mention it being a nuisance by causing physical discomfort and stiffness. 

The more your head and shoulder slouch or move forward, the more tension and pressure is put on your neck muscles

When it comes to this type of discomfort, it is essential not just to treat the origin of the pain, but to detect and pay attention to the underlying cause; thus, you should consult with a doctor.

Unless your doctor or chiropractor has advised you to limit your neck movements, here are five solid reasons why you should keep moving to improve the flexibility and mobility of your neck and help give you relief.

Improved Posture

Your neck (cervical spine) is the primary support for your head. An adult head weighs about 10 to 11 pounds (4.5 to 5 kg). All this weight is carried by your neck while also maintaining the right posture with the ears above the shoulders in a standard neutral position. If your head bends forward just 10 degrees, the stress on your neck muscles more than doubles. The more your head and shoulder slouch or move forward, the more tension and pressure is put on your neck muscles, which can lead to neck pain.

When you do regular exercises more frequently, it’s easier to hold good posture. If poor posture is already an issue for you, or if you are experiencing pain when trying to maintain posture, consider seeking treatment that will focus on your core and neck muscles. By strengthening these muscles, you can help alleviate or even prevent pain.

Better Blood Circulation

Staying idle is not suitable for your body. Getting up and moving benefits your circulatory system. What’s even better is aerobic exercises get your heart pumping and boosting blood circulation throughout your body. These movements get more blood circulating in your neck and upper back, which in turn relaxes the muscles and improves mobility. Additionally, aerobic exercises release endorphins in the brain, which is believed to alleviate some types of pain by giving you a boost in energy or your mood.

Some types of aerobic exercises include running, biking, swimming, jogging, and brisk walking. For adults, it’s recommended to get about 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per day for five days a week. However, everyone is different; so what’s right for others may not necessarily work for you. Consult with your doctor before trying out a new aerobic exercise routine.

Keep Muscles Conditioned

When your body is active and busy with physical activities, your muscles get worked and energized – including your neck muscles. Exercising, doing house chores, gardening, walking – whatever physical activity you partake in, working the muscles will help keep them conditioned, flexible, and strong.

Something as simple as putting away the laundry may not seem like it’s working your neck muscles, but it does. Your neck exerts extra effort to support your head as you bend down or reach up to put away the clothes. Doing different physical tasks throughout your day, no matter how small they are, helps keep your neck muscles active.

Something as simple as putting away the laundry may not seem like it’s working your neck muscles, but it does.

On the other hand, spending a significant amount of time in your day sitting down in front of the TV or computer or being inactive can result in your neck muscles getting weak and tight. When this happens, you are more prone to experience neck pain, strains, and tension.

Keep in Mind

While keeping your neck muscles active is good, there’s such a thing as overworking it. Excessive repetitive motions can also cause neck pain. Thus, make it a point to avoid overdoing any physical activities and always to take breaks. If you experience pain that worsens with any physical activity, or if you are having chronic neck pain, it’s best to get a consultation with your doctor or chiropractor as to what exercises or activities are suited for you.